+49 521 / 524 58 58         info@tidick.de
Muschelgriffe und Etikettenrahmen

Label holders / shell handles and further fittings

Label holders and shell handles are fittings which have been used for ages as a reliable option for identifying and lettering objects.

They are fitted to boxes, folders or drawers suing nails or split pins (also available from us, naturally). You can also slide labels into the label holders and some shell handles after fitting. You can then write whatever you want on these labels. There is a wide variety of applications. For example label holders can be attached to boxes to help identify the contents. Label holders are also used frequently in warehouse labelling. They have the following advantages over other identification systems which is why they are used so frequently:

A major advantage of label holders is that the label and thus the identifier can be exchanged quickly and simply at any time. Labels can be swapped around with each other or simple replaced. This saves a lot of effort.

Another plus is the durability of the label holders versus other identification systems. Due to the high quality manufacture and strong steel construction, the label holders are relatively resistant to external forces. This makes them really durable. It is extremely irritating when you keep having to replace lettering and labelling because they are no longer legible or the labelling system has been damaged. So you’re better off going for a durable alternative to save yourself unnecessary work.

The label holders and shell handles are available in various sizes. This makes it possible to find labelling for almost anything.

Shell handles allow you to fit a handle to drawers, flaps or other moving parts on furniture or boxes for example. So shell handles are a very popular fitting with furniture manufacturers and restorers. Some shell handles are also fitted with an integrated label holder. This extremely practical fitting combines the functions of label holders and shell handles . Naturally, our shell handles are made from an equally strong, and therefore, durable, material as the label holders. This means the number of opening and closing options is endless.

 Shell handles | Label holders | Fasteners | HandlesSuitcase corners


Shell handles


Product Safety
Manufacturer: Tidick Ringbuchtechnik GmbH, Karl-Peters-Str. 5, 33605 Bielefeld
E-Mail: info@tidick.de


Label holders


Product Safety
Manufacturer: Tidick Ringbuchtechnik GmbH, Karl-Peters-Str. 5, 33605 Bielefeld
E-Mail: info@tidick.de




Product Safety
Manufacturer: Tidick Ringbuchtechnik GmbH, Karl-Peters-Str. 5, 33605 Bielefeld
E-Mail: info@tidick.de




Product Safety
Manufacturer: Tidick Ringbuchtechnik GmbH, Karl-Peters-Str. 5, 33605 Bielefeld
E-Mail: info@tidick.de


Suitcase corners


Product Safety
Manufacturer: Tidick Ringbuchtechnik GmbH, Karl-Peters-Str. 5, 33605 Bielefeld
E-Mail: info@tidick.de


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